Series: Phantasy
This series of fantastical forms is as magical as it is muscular. Here Forrester deployed his talent for detailed realism, seducing viewers into surreal scenes and narratives.
This series of fantastical forms is as magical as it is muscular. Here Forrester deployed his talent for detailed realism, seducing viewers into surreal scenes and narratives.
7” W x 18” H x 8” D
Forrester Family Art Collection, Nashville, TN
Plaster with Stain
9.75"W x 4.75"H x 4"D
Forrester Family Art Collection, Nashville, TN
13"W x 3"D x 14"H
Forrester Family Art Collection, Nashville, TN
Plaster with Stain
7.25”W x 17”H x 5”D
Forrester Family Art Collection, Nashville, TN